Starry Sky above the Pancava Falls

Another night panoramic photo follow ups on free collection „Spring‘s night sky in Czech“. Its been long time ago when I first challenged myself to take picture of a waterfall surrounded by Milky way in Czech. Finally, I got there. I chose Pancava Falls, highest one in Czech (148 metres). The very best time to catch such moment is Spring. The galactic core is only visible when it’s above the horizon at night. Unfortunately night sky shooting in Krkonoše is often difficult due to an extensive light pollution coming from Poland.

To capture an interesting starry sky picture, you need to observe the right moment with right photographic conditions. I was blessed with several nights like this last Spring.

This picture was created with kind support of KRNAP.

Panorama compiled from total of 42 frames (18 averaged exposures of stars in one row, 24 averaged exposures of landscape in the second and third row, 2-level focus bracketing).

Equipment: Nikon D850, Carl Zeiss Milvus 18mm f/2.8

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The Clouds Gate


Under the Milky Way Arc