Under the Milky Way Arc

This photo follows up on the free collection called „Spring‘s night sky in Czech“. It was created in my favorite location in Šumava (Bohemian Forest National Park), well-known for dark sky. Usually, fog is a dear friend for every landscape photographer. In this case, it became our enemy. Despite dry weather conditions, a thick fog appeared from nowhere and reached our positions. Nevertheless we got bit of luck and captured this wide-angle panorama.

The photo has been awarded Honorable Mention at „Prix de la Photographie (P×3)“ 2020 in Paris.

Panorama compiled from total of 36 frames (21 averaged exposures of stars in one row, 15 averaged exposures of landscape in the second row, 2-level focus bracketing).

Equipment: Nikon D850, Carl Zeiss Milvus 25mm f/1.4

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Starry Sky above the Pancava Falls

